Saturday, June 24, 2006

Wiretaps and Democrats

Okay, so could someone please tell me what the alleged HUGE issue with wiretaps on private American citizens is?? Let's ask ourselves a few questions and think real hard about your answer.

1. Do we want another terrorist attack like September 11th or Oklahoma City?
2. Do we want to send even more troops and American citizens to foreign soil?
3. Do we enjoy being a nation that is so great that people actually break into?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above you are feeling the same way I am. I also feel that if we need to tap some phone lines to keep from seeing Americans in pain or dead then it is worth every one. I'll be the first to sign up, where can I get my phone tapped? I saw everyone with flags and candles on September 12th but I don't see anyone with their cell phones walking into the nearest FBI or NSA office to be "tapped."

I will admit that it isn't only democrats that are on this retro-hippie caravan of nonsense. I am never surprised to see the Senator from Arizona on the far left of the right. And so I ask the question again, what is the problem with Americans being "tapped?" If there is nothing to hide why can there not be transparency? Are the people who are crying about this scared of something?

What is there to lose? Is your phone not going to work the same? Are you afraid that "Big Brother" will over hear you call in sick to work and then report you for calling your friend to head to the beach??

The freedom from fear is far greater than the freedom of a phone call being private.


Anonymous said...

Mongo no understand "blog" it sound like smog, and Mongo no like smog, also sounds like hog and dog, Mongo like dog and hog. mmmmm bacon.