Sunday, July 16, 2006

Middle East Tensions

The phrase middle east tensions seems to puzzle me. Isn't there always tension? Hasn't there always been tension? So it should be referred to as Middle East Normal in my view. And in the normal status of the middle east, I think that everyone is insane. Syria is obviously an instigator like it's big brother, Iran. Lebanon is a hopeless country ruled by other nations and Islamic extremists. Israel seems to be on the losing side of everything these days. And with all this, I am not surprised by any of it.

Iran is ruled by an idiot that wants to wipe Israel off the map but won't commit to war. That to me is chicken. Why say things you aren't willing to back up? If you want nuclear weapons, go for it. Stick 'em out there and don't be afraid. If you are afraid, you have good reason to be. The United States will not let that happen. We have a few military tools at our disposal that could halt the nuclear weapons process that Iran wants to have.

And Syria? Please. Syria is the red-headed step-child of the middle east. Not strong enough to flex some muscle, too stupid to realize that. Both Iran, Syria and the Islamic extremists are all COWARDS. If you want a fight, let us know. I'd be happy to lend a hand and educate you on the world works nowadays. Democracy is not perfect but it is better than all other alternatives. Israel knows this and fights for this.

I do wish that the Billions of US dollars that we (taxpayers) contribute to the Israelis would have some sort of benefit to us here in the United States. To me it is like the dog that bites the hand that feeds it. I respect all cultures that respect mine. But when I pay money to Israel (by way of my TAXES) I hope to see people more grateful and less disrespectful on Fox News. Israel has the right to defend itself as does everyone else. I just wish there was less bad-mouthing of US policy coming from a very small nation that gets more money from us than anyone else.

Lebanon will be free again soon I think. And, I'm pretty sure it will need to be a UN issue. In my opinion Israel should be restrained and Hamas, Hezbollah and every other terrorist group should be eliminated until they put down their arms and agree to work at peace.